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Icona di Messaggio Topic: scuba divers based in Italy needed(Topic Chiuso Topic Chiuso) Rispondi al Topic Posta un nuovo Topic
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Iscritto dal : 20 Luglio 2010
Da: France
Status: Offline
Posts: 1
bullet Topic: scuba divers based in Italy needed
    Postato: 20 Luglio 2010 alle 10:37

I apologise to write in English but i'm french and i don't speak Italian..

I’m currently working in a scuba diving guide project and i’m looking for experienced (level 3 minimum FFESSM, CMASS or PADI) scuba divers for a paid mission.

This person must have good knowledge of the diving world in Italy (spots and clubs), should leave in Italy and shouldn’t be involved in any working relationship with a business structure (i.e. diving club, diving center or diving school). Do you think you could be interested and/or connect me with anybody you know that has such profile and would be interested in the mission ? Please don’t hesitate to write me to my email address. In any case don’t hesitate to get in touch with me for more details i would be happy to tell you more about the mission if you think you can help me.

Thanks a lot in advance for your time.

Alexandre Petit – petialexandre@gmail.com

Scuba divers also needed in :
Cap Verde,
Micronesia (Palau, Marshall Island, etc.),
New Guinea,
New Zealand,
Saba, Tobago, Bonnaire
Salomon Islands,
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